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October Springbok Story Winners

We say love completes the puzzle. And these stories show that’s true. In a campaign to collect “Springbok Stories,” we announced one participant would be chosen to receive a 500 piece puzzle of their choice.


Our team has enjoyed laughing. . . and tearing up at the memories these puzzlers have shared.


Instead of choosing one participant, ten have been selected. These are their stories:


“My most memorable puzzle was one I was building while pregnant. As soon as I finished, I got so excited that I got it done before the baby came that I went right into labor.” – Gina


“I have been doing only Springbok puzzles for over 50 years. I used to buy a new one each week. My boyfriend was away at school so I would do some of the puzzles each day Monday thru Thursday and finish it before he came home on Friday. I have continued to do your puzzles all these years. I am now 81 and still enjoy doing them.” – Sue


“Many years ago, I remember completing an E.T. puzzle with my mom back when the movie came out. It was a fun activity for the two of us, and I loved the completed project so much because I was obsessed with E.T. Cut to many years later, and a few months ago I found the exact same Springbok E.T. puzzle at a thrift store! I was so excited because the memories came flooding back to me. The box was pretty beat up, but I took a chance and bought it to find that all the pieces were there! I had memories coming back to me the entire time that I worked on it. Who knows? Maybe it was the puzzle that I had as a child, and I just discovered it all over again.” – Karla


“I was a puzzler for years, but last year I was diagnosed with a brain tumor at 39, which turned out to be cancer. I had spatial, sight, and focus difficulties after my surgery. I often felt depressed and disconnected. Springbok puzzles were integral to my recovery because they gave me motivation and connection to my family. Most of all, they give me a sense of accomplishment when I put the last piece in. Thank you!” – Laurie


“As a kid, my brother and I loved doing puzzles together. Because we lived in an apartment with limited space, we had to find a way to do puzzles without taking over the kitchen table. So, our mother went to the hardware store and had a piece of plywood cut into a large enough square so we could do our puzzles while lying on the floor. When we were done for the day, we slid the puzzle board under the couch or bed until the next chance we had to work on it. Those were great memories, and Springbok puzzles were the only ones Mom bought. Now that I have a family and house of my own, my sons and I break out a card table so we, too, can do puzzles. Of course, we only do Springbok puzzles (including one that I did when I was a child).” – Robert


“My elderly mother’s home was in an assisted living apartment that got flooded so she came to live with my husband and myself. She was used to doing puzzles at her building, so I set up a table and bought some Springbok puzzles at Hallmark. My husband would sit with Mom every evening and work the puzzles with her. Every time either one of them put a piece in, they would shout “BAM!” Mom said Matt was the King of “Bamming.” She had so much fun that winter! I even have a picture of her & my husband working a puzzle with our cat on the table between them. Mom passed away two years ago at 90. Last Christmas I bought my husband a special spinning jigsaw puzzle table, and now we are spending quality time together relaxing and putting puzzles together with soft music playing in the background and the picture of Mom working the puzzle facing the table. She would be so happy to know we are still “bamming.” – Jan


“Growing up we always opened our Christmas gifts on Christmas Eve after church. As my mother bought presents, she would wrap them and put them under the tree. Clothes, books, and a toy or two for each of us. When the temptation got too great for us four kids, she would relent and pick one gift for us to share. It was always a puzzle. And another early gift couldn’t be opened until the puzzle was completed. Needless to say, we got really good at puzzles. To this day, I can’t resist the pull of a challenging puzzle.” – Sharon


“I recently retired from teaching because of health problems. I sat in my room with the drapes drawn tight because I didn't want anyone to know I was ill. One day while scrolling on my phone, I came across a beautiful puzzle. I ordered the puzzle but, when it came, there was no table in my room to work on the puzzle. I went into the living room and spread the puzzle out and began to assemble it. The puzzle became my reason to sit in the sunny room. I have developed a special love for Springbok Puzzles.” – Penny


“When I was 10, my grandmother developed advanced cancer. Her condition was very unstable, and, when we could visit, the visits had to be short. We found that we could communicate with puzzles. She would work a puzzle, and then gift it to me, and I would put it back together. I felt very connected to my grandma in piecing together the same thing that she had just done. When she passed, my aunt gifted me the rest of her puzzles, and I spent the summer putting them together for her.” – Lucy


Springbok puzzles remind me of my mother. We would always have a puzzle set up on the dining room table. My favorite thing to do would be to work on the puzzles after dinner. We would turn on the radio, work the puzzle, and share stories. I learned so much about my mom during these evenings. And she learned a few things that I got away with during high school years. The week she became sick, there was a puzzle halfway finished on the dining room table. After her service, the family came back to the house and finished the puzzle. It sat there for many months before anybody could take it down. I haven’t been able to work on a puzzle since her death this year. I can hear her telling me to start the next puzzle we had picked out. Our favorite puzzles were the mystery puzzles. We always tried to guess what they were. I still order a mystery puzzle with every puzzle order I place. I will never look at a Springbok jigsaw puzzle without thinking of my mom.” – Cathy


Perhaps we'll be sharing your Springbok Story next month? To enter the giveaway, please submit your memory with our puzzles. It may be featured on our social media accounts or newsletter. And, with a little luck, you'll be the participant selected for a free 500 piece puzzle (of your choosing). Be sure to enter by December 1, 2019.


Stories may be edited for spelling, grammar & formatted to fit in available space.