Christmas Springbok Stories
“In 1983, my husband bought a wonderful 1500-piece Christmas puzzle that took us and our six- and four-year-old a long time to put together. We continued to put it together almost every year. As our four kids got older and were joined by their spouses and their own kids, we all worked on it together. There were a few years we finished in less than four hours. Everyone has their favorite section to do. It's been fun to look inside the cover where we have documented the time and who worked on what each year. This has provided a special way to remember those who were with us at Christmas time.” – Sue
“I am the youngest of five siblings who live thousands of miles apart from one another. We are each busy with our own families and have never been together for Christmas since our youth over 50 years ago. About 20 years ago, I sent each of my siblings a Christmas puzzle so we could all be "together" by working on the same puzzle with each of our families.”
I chose Springbok as we are originally from Kansas City and, from childhood, knew the wonderful puzzles from the former Halls subsidiary. Over the years, I expanded our gift list to include my husband's siblings and eventually our sons' in-laws. If our kids and grandkids are visiting their other grandparents for Christmas, I know we are "together" working on our Springbok Christmas puzzles. We have had years of enjoyment and competition as we complete the puzzles. Now we send photos to one another showing off our puzzle success. Across time and distance, our Springbok Christmas puzzles have become one of our most cherished Christmas traditions." – Rebecca
“As a little girl, an elderly neighbor always had a puzzle going on her table in the front room of her house, the cellar was filled with shelves of her beloved puzzles—all Springbok. As a young mother, I had little money for extras, but I always asked for a Springbok puzzle for Christmas! It was the only thing on my Christmas list. Now each year I buy as many as I can to share the fun with family and friends.” – Nancy
Springbok puzzles remind me of my wonderful mother, my family, and the magic of Christmas. My mom bought the Christmas puzzle a year before I was born in 1972. I can't remember a Christmas without the puzzle. We would take it out on the day after Thanksgiving when the Christmas season officially began in my house. My three sisters and I each had our own "room" in the house that we would work on first. We knew this house almost as well as our own house. My mom always ended up doing the edges, sky, and trees. As we got older, my mom found us each a copy of the puzzle for our own families and traditions. It wouldn't be the same without the Christmas House! When I look at it, I feel that magical feeling that you have as a child at Christmas.” – Julie
“My family always has a Springbok Christmas puzzle set out as a way to unwind when coming home. The family joins in at the table and soon we all are sharing the good things that happened during the day. Love brings the family together and each puzzle we set over the years is dated. My grown children are carrying on the tradition. Only Springbok has the quality and durability to set and reset puzzle pieces.” – Linda
“I bought a puzzle for a Christmas project for the grandkids and the whole family worked on putting it together. There is something about working a puzzle that gets everyone involved.” – Sutton
“Until Thanksgiving, this puzzle is tucked away in our boxes of Christmas treasures. Literal shrieks of happiness are heard from our kids when we discover this puzzle amongst our decorations! Working this wonderful gingerbread cookie puzzle has been our family tradition for years now, and honestly... I can't wait to see it again! The puzzle style is so unique as the larger pieces frame it, and pieces grow smaller as you work to the center, making it perfect for all ages. I think this puzzle was worked and re-worked a dozen times last December!” – Carol
“My husband gave me this puzzle as a Christmas present. He does not work puzzles but marvels at my patience and ability to complete every puzzle I start. This puzzle was a real challenge, and it took me longer than usual. I was delighted when my 15-year-old grandson came by for a brief visit as he quickly began working on the puzzle. His sharp eye found many pieces that had seemed to elude me and that brought out his beautiful smile. His visit was short, and he hated to leave before we completed the puzzle, but he called me that evening to see what progress I had made.” – Ginny
“The title of the puzzle is Memories of December. The box has a sweet poem printed on the back. "Those Past Decembers." My mom and I would put it together every Christmas. She's gone, and I'm 63. But I still do it every Christmas. I think of us together. I wish I knew the year we started.” – Janet
“Every Christmas day my husband and I and our two sons went to my in-laws' house for Christmas dinner. As soon as dinner was over, out would come my new Springbok puzzle. My dear mother-in-law and I would spend all day putting it together. Other family members would find a piece here and there, and there were plenty of laughs. My mother-in-law is gone now but every Christmas day after dinner I still get out a new puzzle and reminisce over those Christmases long past. She loved puzzles as much as I do....” – Linda
“Growing up we always opened our Christmas gifts on Christmas Eve after church. As my mother bought presents, she would wrap them and put them under the tree. Clothes, books and a toy or two for each of us. When the temptation got too great for us four kids, she would relent and pick one gift for us to share. It was always a puzzle. And another early gift couldn't be opened until the puzzle was completed.” – Sharon
“We have collected and done Springbok Christmas puzzles as a family for 30 years. It is one of our most treasured Christmas traditions—and we've had hundreds of wonderful conversations around the table working together on our favorites.” – Pam
“Springbok is the only puzzle for me. It's what I buy and what I ask for as gifts. I always do a puzzle between Christmas and New Year, starting after the dining room table has been cleared and ending by midnight New Year's Eve. Your puzzles are fun and exciting, difficult and enticing, they keep me coming back for more. Thanks for keeping the quality in my American family tradition.” – Jan
“Over the years, my wife and I have worked many puzzles, and we always enjoyed your puzzles. After 48 years of marriage, I lost my Mary to a brain tumor last fall. From the time they found it, she only lasted 6 weeks. For several months, I couldn't do any puzzles. About a week ago, I got out a puzzle my neighbors gave me for Christmas. I enjoyed putting it together and while working on it, I felt the closeness we had when we worked together on puzzles.” – Jim
Perhaps we'll be sharing your Springbok Story next month? To enter the giveaway, please submit your memory with our puzzles. It may be featured on our social media accounts or newsletter. And, with a little luck, you'll be the participant selected for a free 500-piece puzzle (of your choosing). Be sure to enter by the first of each month.
Stories may be edited for spelling, and grammar & formatted to fit in available space.