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Official Rules of the 2017 Springbok Image Contest

Please read these Official Rules before entering the Springbok Image Contest (the "Contest"). By submitting an Entry, you represent that you and your entry meet all of the below-stated requirements and you agree to be bound by these Official Rules and by the decisions of Springbok.

  1. ELIGIBILITY. To enter, you must be 18 years of age or older and a legal resident of the United States (the 50 States and D.C.) or Canada and you must not be an employee, officer or director of Springbok or any of its affiliates, advertising and promotional agencies or any other entity or person involved in the development, production, judging, implementation, administration or fulfillment of the Contest or an immediate family member of any such person. Springbok and all above-identified affiliates and individuals are collectively referred to in these Official Rules as "Springbok and its Affiliates".
  2. PRIZES. The Grand Prize Winner will have his/her photo made into a Springbok puzzle and will receive $700 in cash. The 2nd Place Winner will receive cash in the amount of $500. The 3rd Place Winner will receive cash in the amount of $250. The prizes are not transferable or redeemable for cash or substitution and cannot be refunded or exchanged except at the sole discretion of Springbok. The Winner is responsible for any and all federal, state and local taxes, fees and other government assessments on the awarded prize. In the case of the 2nd Place Winner and 3rd Place winner and any and all additional Winners, Springbok shall have the right, but shall not be required, to have the Winner's photograph made into a Springbok puzzle.
  3. ENTRY SUBMISSION PERIOD: To enter, during the Contest Submission Period you must submit a Valid Entry (as described in 3 and 4) to Springbok online at . The Contest Submission Period begins at 12:01 a.m. U.S. Central Standard Time on January 13, 2016, and ends at 11:59 p.m. U.S. Central Standard Time on February 17, 2017. Springbok's servers and clock will be deemed the official clock and entrant's proof of submission does not constitute proof of Springbok's receipt. Springbok and its Affiliates are not liable for any lost, late, misdirected, incomplete, illegible, garbled or delayed entries regardless of reason or person responsible. Springbok reserves the right, at its sole and unfettered discretion, to modify these Official Rules or to cancel or suspend the Contest if it receives fewer than 50 Valid Entries or if any viruses, worms, bugs, unauthorized human intervention or other causes corrupt or impair the administration, security, fairness or proper play of the Contest or submission of Entries.
  4. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: To enter, you must meet the eligibility requirements in #1 above and timely submit in accordance with #3 above: (a) an image that is your own, previously not sold or exclusively licensed photographic work, and that meets the other submission requirements set forth herein; and (b) your personal information as required via the online entry form ((a) and (b) together considered an "Entry"). Individuals may submit more than one Entry. Entries will not be returned. Appropriate subjects include: landscapes, nature, food, colorful collages, flowers and/ or gardens, and wildlife (animals, fish or birds in their natural habitat). Pets and/ or zoo animals are not appropriate subjects. Images can be digitally enhanced and may consist of composed shots. The image included in the Entry must: (i) be in RGB color (not black and white) with a resolution of 300 dpi or better, submitted as a JPG, JPEG, PNG or GIF; (ii) not contain any images of people; (iii) be the original creation of entrant, not copied in whole or in part from any other work, and constitute the sole and exclusive property of the entrant with entrant holding complete, worldwide distribution rights in and to them same; (iv) not violate or infringe any copyright, trademark, privacy or publicity right, or other proprietary or intellectual property right of any person or entity; (v) not be defamatory, libelous, obscene or otherwise illegal; and (vi) not have been previously sold or exclusively licensed in whole or in part.
    By submitting an Entry, each entrant represents and warrants that his/her Entry meets all of the above Entry requirements. Springbok reserves the right, in its sole and unfettered discretion, to disqualify at any time any Entry it deems not in compliance with these Official Rules. All timely received Entries determined by Springbok in its sole discretion to comply with the requirements of 3 and 4 above will be deemed "Valid Entries." Springbok is collecting personal information solely to promote and conduct the Contest.
  5. GRANT OF RIGHTS. By submitting an Entry, each entrant grants Springbok and its Affiliates permission to use entrant's image, without any compensation to entrant or any attribution to entrant by name, for any purpose in connection with the Contest, in any and all media now or hereafter devised. In so doing, entrant also grants to Springbok and its Affiliates the right to edit the formatting and display of the image without seeking the approval of entrant or making any payment to entrant. In addition, to the extent moral rights (for example, the right to attribution and the right to integrity) apply in the applicable jurisdiction, each entrant waives (and to the extent that these may not be waived, agrees irrevocably not to assert) his/her moral rights in his/her Entry for purposes of the Contest, including, without limitation, Springbok's use of all or part of entrant's Entry in connection with this Contest. Springbok's decision to post or publish any such image on Springbok's web site or any other web site (including, without limitation, and social networking site) does not mean that the selected Entry has been selected as a winning Entry.
  6. CONTEST JUDGING PROCESS. Springbok shall designate a panel of employees and/or consultants to serve as judges (collectively, "Judges") who will review and judge the Entries based on criteria such as marketability and general appeal, art, quality of image (including ability to use it to produce a quality puzzle) and overall strength of the submission. If Springbok elects to solicit public comment on any of the Entries, the Judges may consider such comments in making its selections, but the Judges are not required to consider such comments and the judges reserve complete and unfettered discretion to select the Winners. Based on such judging process and criteria, Springbok shall select one Entry to win Grand Prize and one Entry to win 2nd Place and may, in its sole discretion, elect to select additional Entries to win a prize as described in 2 above. The tentatively selected Winners will be notified by phone or email on or about April 30th, 2017. As a condition to final selection as a Winner, he /she must timely comply with the prize acceptance requirements in 7 below.
  7. ACCEPTANCE OF PRIZES: Each Grand Prize, 2nd Place and additional Winner must complete, sign and return as directed by Springbok, within ten business days after the date of first notice of award, an Affidavit of Eligibility, Grant of Rights and Waiver of Liability and where permitted by law, Publicity Release. The Grant of Rights includes Winner's grant to Springbok and its Affiliates of all of Winner's right, title and interest in and to the image included in the Entry and any and all derivations thereto, including without limitation all rights of copyright and worldwide license to use and distribute via puzzle or any media. Upon timely compliance, the prize will be sent to the address identified by the Winner. If any Winner tentatively selected to win the Grand Prize or 2nd Place Prize fails to timely comply with these requirements or is found ineligible after review, the Winner will be disqualified and Springbok shall select an alternate Winner based on the Contest judging process described in 6 above.
  8. RELEASE OF LIABILITY: By entering, each entrant releases and holds harmless Springbok and its Affiliates from any and all liabilities, losses, damages, claims and actions of any kind arising from participation in the Contest or from acceptance of any awarded prize (including, without limitation, claims based on publicity rights, moral rights, defamation or invasion of privacy). Without limiting the generality of such release, each entrant agrees that Springbok and its Affiliates are not responsible for any third party's unauthorized use of any Entry (or any portion thereof or any derivative thereto). Further, without limiting the foregoing, each entrant hereby specifically waives any and all rights to claim punitive, incidental or consequential damages.
  9. GOVERNING LAW: The Contest shall be governed by the laws of the United States and the State of Missouri. Any claims regarding this contest must be brought in the State or Federal Courts in County, Missouri. The Contest is void outside the U.S. and Canada and where prohibited by law.